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Vendor Information

We are currently sold out of vendor spaces. Please check back next year.


Current vendors:


SETUP OF BOOTHS- You will receive a letter approximately ten days before the festival informing you of your space number and set-up time. We arrange different set-up times for each section of vendors making the process smoother. If you sell out of a trailer you will get a specific time to report, however, if you sell out of a tent you may NOT set up until after all trailers have been set, which is after 6:30pm Friday night or before 9:00am Saturday morning, whichever you prefer. NO UNLOADING until after all trailers have been set.

Vendor’s Trailers: All vendors’ trailers, i.e. food, manufactured products or trailers selling crafts, must report to designated line up area, to check in, at your specified time. You will receive a letter prior to the festival stating your space # and set-up time. All street vendors’ trailers must be set up Friday night.

Tents: Tents may set up Friday evening after 6:30 p.m. or Saturday morning.  However, all vendors must be set up by 9:30 a.m. Saturday.

TEAR DOWN - No teardown before 6:00 PM, Sunday, (this includes no taking down of tents, or carrying products out of the festival grounds) and all booths must be off street by 9:00 PM Sunday. Electric will be turned off at 8:00pm. You must clean up your entire space. If you leave anything behind you jeopardize your invitation to future festivals.

DAMAGE - Vendors are responsible for anchoring their booth, securing their items, etc. The Oak Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce will not be held responsible for any damage, theft, or injury, and reserves the right to amend or change the rules of the festival at any time.

REFUND/CANCELLATION– There will be no refunds given.

SPACE SIZE– The spaces are 10’ X 20’. If you are longer than 20 feet including your tongue and awnings you will need to purchase an additional half space. This will be strictly enforced!

INSURANCE– A copy of your liability insurance face sheet must be included. (if applicable)

SALE– Vendor spaces are the property of the Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce and cannot be traded or sold. Please keep in mind that when you sell your trailer, you are not selling your vendor space.

LOCATION– We place similar vendors as far from each other as possible.  We will try to give you the same spot number as the previous year unless you request to be moved on your contract. Of the vendors requesting to be moved, we will move the vendors with the most seniority first.  Keep in mind we also have to take menu items and electric amp requirements into consideration, and we may not be able to move you if we do not have enough amps in that area. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the chamber office and we will try to resolve any issues as best as possible.

MENU– If your menu has changed from the previous year, you must contact the Chamber of Commerce before adding any item(s) to your contract.

GIFT CARDS—We use vendor gift cards as a reward for our wonderful festival volunteers, please accept them like cash and turn them into the chamber office for reimbursement.

TRASH RULES—Put all trash in plastic bags. Place all cooking oil in separate sealed containers. Keep them

separate from the trash bags and boxes. Do not overweight the trash bags to the point the bags will burst. Do not place boxes in the 55-gallon drums.

PARKING—Vendor parking at Croghan Bank and behind Spangler Automotive Services is for REFRIGERATED TRUCKS ONLY! This is the only place that we have electric available for trucks and any vehicle that is found parked there that is not a refrigerated truck will be towed at the owner’s expense. Trucks may NOT PARK IN EITHER LOT UNTIL AFTER 5PM when business closes on Friday.

If you have any questions, please call the office at: 419-898-0479

© 2023 by Oak Harbor Apple Festival

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